VPNA’s annual meeting will be at Taft Elementary (note different location than last few years).
Monday, March 19, 2012 from 6-8pm
An open house will begin at 6pm. A few presentations and elections will occur between 6:30-7:30pm. Keep an eye out for a full agenda in the next couple weeks.
Consider Joining the Board:
We are drumming up interest in vacancies before the meeting. The Veteran’s Park area is divided into 9 neighborhoods (click here to see a map), currently there are many vacancies. Some neighborhoods don’t even have representation; these include Veteran’s Point, Quail Glen and Independence Park.
The time commitment of being a board member is mostly up to the individual. At a minimum we’d like new members to attend most monthly board meetings (held the 3rd Monday of each month at Idaho River Sports from 6:30-8pm). If you choose to get involved outside of board meetings, what you do is also left open to personal choice. Some possibilities and past examples include:
- Representing VPNA on a CCDC sub-committee, connect to some portion of the 30th St plan implementation.
- Getting a community center built in our neighborhood
- Helping with fundraising to pay for our website and community events.
- Organizing neighborhood get-togethers.
- Writing grants. Starting the Jordan Street Community Garden.
If you are interested in becoming a board member please send us an email at vpnaboise@gmail.com
Matt Ciranni
VPNA President