Announcing a two part event focusing on the architecture and history of the “West End” and the chance to research your own home.
Part 1 – Student Presentations: This winter the Boise High BAP club has been researching the history and architecture of various properties in the “West End” to help with VPNA’s walking
trail grant. At this event students will present their research on the following properties:
At the VPNA annual meeting students gave us a preview of what to expect including presentations on the United Congregational Church and 2400 W Bannock. Their presentations were excellent.
Part 2 – Discover Your Home’s History: Following the presentations we’ll move up to the 3rd floor of the library where staff and students will help you discover your own home’s history. In an hour or so you can discover a lot about your home including things like…
- Construction date
- Names and occupations of previous owners
- Number of houses on your block in the 20s, 30s, 40s…
- Possibly much more using Idaho Statesman online database and microfiche
When: Wednesday, April 4th at 6:30pm (presentations will last 30-45 minutes, research portion will follow)
Where: Downtown Library! in the William F. Hayes Memorial Auditorium. This meeting space is at the southwest corner of the Main Library with an external entrance facing 8th street.
What to bring: Your library card