Be a part of the CWI campus design process

CTA_post_CWI_AdaCountyCampus_1The College of Western Idaho (CWI) is considering purchasing land in the VPN (on the greenbelt and Main St). CTA Architects Engineers has been hired to create a conceptual design for an urban CWI campus that could be located on the site. And now they are asking for our input! Two Community Insight Sessions will be held.

Dates: Tuesday, September 1 and Thursday, September 3
Time: Drop in any time from 4:15pm – 7:15pm
Location: Whittier Elementary School, 301 N 29th St

If you can’t make it to one of the above meetings you can still contribute online: After the sessions, CTA will develop a few conceptual designs. The next opportunity for public feedback will be Sept 22.

Click here for more info.

Reminder: VPNA Neighborhood Night Out is today (Tuesday)!

Here’s the scoop again:

Veteran’s Park Neighborhood Association and NeighborWorks Boise present Neighborhood Night Out with with Boise Police Department and Boise Fire Department. There will be burgers, ice cream, community police officers, and a fire truck! Come join your neighbors in enjoying a fun night out.

Bring your chair, and ice cream toppings to share!

Date: Tuesday, August 4
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Location: Davis Park Apartments courtyard

See who’s coming on our Facebook event.

VPNA Neighborhood Night Out this Tuesday

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Veteran’s Park Neighborhood Association and NeighborWorks Boise present Neighborhood Night Out with with Boise Police Department and Boise Fire Department. There will be burgers, ice cream, community police officers, and a fire truck! Come join your neighbors in enjoying a fun night out.

Bring your chair, and ice cream toppings to share!

Date: Tuesday, August 4
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Location: Davis Park Apartments courtyard

See who’s coming on our Facebook event.

Reminder: VPNA Movie Night is tomorrow (Saturday)!

Screen shot 2015-06-26 at 8.04.51 AMVeteran’s Park Neighborhood Association, Boise Public Schools Education Foundation, and Boise Parks & Rec present Annie (2014) at Veterans Park. This fun-filled family “Movie Under the Stars” evening begins at 7:00 pm, with free fun and games for kids provided by the Boise Parks & Rec Mobile Recreation Van and food vendors!

Capture the flag and dodgeball are favorite activities for kids of all ages! At dusk, Annie (2014) will be shown on a huge 30′ inflatable movie screen.

Your VPNA board will be on hand to chit chat and discuss neighborhood happenings. We will also be hosting a raffle (see images) before the movie starts! Raffle tickets are $1 each. Thanks to Betsie Richardson Studio, Frazier Images, Stewart’s Gem Shop, Matt, and Tyler for their donations.

More details at the facebook event page.


Screen shot 2015-05-11 at 12.14.38 AMWarm weather means event season is really heating up. I’ve added a bunch of events to the VPNA calendar. In our hood there are bike rides, food festivals, roadway open houses, mobile recreation times, VPNA board meetings, and the VPNA movie night! What did I miss? Please email us at let us know of other events in and around the VPNA and I will add them to the calendar.


Spring Fling

Tonight’s VPNA annual meeting was a hit! Thank you to our speakers: Jason LaBrado from Neighborhood Housing Services, Wendy Larimore from Boise Parks and Rec, and Jay Story from Boise West End. Thank you also to everyone who contributed their voice to the meeting. We are so excited for all the new board members!

Now on to Spring Fling, it’s just a couple days away!Spring fling

Spring Fling Block Party at
Davis Park Apartments
Thursday, April 23rd
929 N. 28th Street

NHS is partnering with the Boise Bicycle Project for a bike giveaway and rodeo for Davis Park Apartments’ residents. There will also be other activities and a potluck! All are welcome to attend.

More info:
If you bring a dish please bring a copy of the recipe in case anyone wants to make it on their own. We plan on having some other activities including face painting, yarn crafts, how many m&m’s are in this jar, bag toss, etc. One more thing we are also doing a house wares drive so if you have any old items (forks, spoons, bowls, plates etc.) that you are looking to rid yourself of during your spring cleaning please bring them for repurposing or simply pick up a new shampoo, soap, detergent to donate. All of these are optional of course as we only truly care about your presence.