Donations and annual meeting

Save the date: VPNA’s annual meeting will be Monday, April 20

Are you doing spring cleaning? Do you have items that you no longer need that you want to donate? Please consider giving them to residents of the Davis Park Apartments. Many families are also in need of bathroom supplies. New toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, shampoo, detergent, deodorant, loufa, floss, etc.

Donations can be brought to the VPNA annual meeting. Jason LaBrado from Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) will be there to collect them, talk about upcoming events, and answer any questions. Items can also be brought to the NHS office (3380 W. Americana Terrace Suite 120, Boise). Large items (like furniture) should be brought directly to the Spring Fling event (April 23 at Davis Park Apartments, more details to follow).


30th Street Cultural Arts Plan wins award

From the city’s Screen shot 2015-02-13 at 1.32.15 PMBuilding Boise Newsletter: Idaho Smart Growth awarded their 2014 GrowSmart Award for Community Excellence to the Cultural Arts Plan for Boise’s 30th Street Neighborhood. The plan was funded through the City’s “Percent-forArt” program and created by artist Stephanie Inman along with City team members Karen Bubb (Arts & History) and Kathleen Lacey (PDS) and members of the Veteran’s Park Neighborhood Association. Two ongoing projects from the plan are Water Chutes and the Whittier Elementary Artful Boundary. Water Chutes, a sculpture by artist Dirk Anderson, will be installed in the Stewart Ave./Whitewater Park Blvd. roundabout. The Whittier Elementary Artful Boundary will be designed and installed in 2015 under the guidance of artists Marge and Dennis Proksa. The project will integrate design concepts produced by Whittier students and the community.

World Explorers Workshop – Participants and Volunteers Wanted

CSW Logo with text - flat

World explorers are kids that use their own creative powers in order to find clues about some of the greatest mysteries in science and thePracticalPlantoidGraphic world around us. On Saturday February 21st and 28th, we will be making some fun and fundamental tools for science and exploration using with a hands-on kit that you can make and take home.

This workshop will be at the Davis Park Apartments in conjunction with Neighborhood Housing Services. To sign up as a participant or volunteer, please contact Emily Pohlman, Neighborhood Outreach Coordinator at We are especially looking for girls age 8+. Spaces are limited so please get in touch as soon as possible. More info at

Volunteers needed for Whittier art

Whittier Art Boundary Project – Volunteer Requests

1) January 29/30 – Call for Artists to assist students January 29th and 30th, Thursday/Friday, as students draw concepts for the art project at Whittier Elementary

Time: 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM – artist volunteers may come at times convenient for them, 1 hour, 2 hours or more

Artists are asked to contact Kathleen Lacey to sign up. This is a great opportunity for artists to donate just a bit of time to assist students whose concepts will inform the final art boundary project.

2) February – ART PARTY! at Whittier Elementary – Date to be determined,

Parents, neighbors, friends are invited to help students as they draw their favorite concept on large mural panels.

We seek musicians to enliven the hours the students will be painting and help create a great celebration!