City Hall Plaza Remodel and Broadway Bridge Replacement

The Boise City Hall plaza is going to be remodeled. The City will host a second open house for the public to view conceptual designs. Submit comments either in person or online.

Date: Thursday, October 2
Time: 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Location: City Hall (150 N. Capitol Blvd)


Also, the Idaho Transportation Department will host an open house today(!) for the public to comment on preliminary design and construction plans for the replacement of the Broadway Bridge. More information, updates, and online commentary can be found here.

Date: Wednesday, October 1
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Location: Washington Group Plaza (720 Park Blvd)

State and Collister Intersection Open House

There will be an open house about the State and Collister intersection this Monday, August 18 from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the ACHD (3775 Adams St, Garden City). This intersection is near the edge of the VPNA boundary. The open house is your opportunity to have your say regarding future changes to the intersection. For more details, see the ACHD’s State Street and Collister Drive Intersection Project Page.

Bike Rally at the new West End Food Park

From the West End Food Park: The bike lanes in the West End are primed and ready for some major bike traffic—lets make it happen with an event this Thursday, July 3 at 6pm at 2419 W. Fairview Ave. Hoping to take over the West End of Boise this week with bikes, beer, music, and amazing food—it’s a grassroots idea and we are working to make it reality. Come hungry.

West End 2 Market Ride

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Meet at 10am on Saturday, June 28 at the north side of Fairview park (on W Bannock St near 23rd St). Ride with others in the neighborhood to the downtown farmer’s market. The bike ride is guided with a lead and a tail and we will go over some safety tips before leaving. This is a great opportunity to try cycling downtown for your first or hundredth time. Please bring your helmets. Everyone in the family is welcome. Ride On!