2014 Neighborhood Clean-up Day – Saturday April 12th

NHS (Neighborhood Housing Services) is organizing a Neighborhood Clean-Up Day as part of National Volunteer Week!

Where: Davis Park Apartments & Surrounding Neighborhood
When: 8AM to 12PM, Saturday, April 12th 2014
Opportunities Include: Jordan Street Community Garden, Whitewater Park Cleanup, Surrounding Neighborhood Cleanup, Get to know your neighbors!
For more info contact: Emily Pohlman with NHS: epohlman@nhsid.org or 208.258.6229

West End Trail Artwork – Poster Order Form

Thanks to everyone who made Saturday’s ribbon cutting a success. If you missed Saturday you might be interested to know that VPNA is taking orders for posters containing the West End Trail artwork. Orders will be taken until 11/16/13. Posters will be being printed professionally and locally at ARC Document Solutions at Idaho & 27th Street. All proceeds benefit future VPNA events and projects.

Ordering options include two sizes:
Small Size: $15 for set of all 4 posters (7×17 inch size)
Large Size: $65 for set of all 4 posters (12×24 inch size)
Large size: Single posters – pick from Diversity, Farmland, Industry or Opportunity designs. $18 each (12×24 inch size)

Click here to access order form: http://www.vpnaboise.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Poster_Order_Form.pdf

Designs can be seen in real life along the greenbelt near the Whitewater Park pedestrian bridge and in Fairview Park. Or you can see our previous post:

Questions: Contact us at vpnaboise@gmail.com

Sneak peak of West End Trail designs

Here is a sneak peak of West End Trail sign designs (click on blue title if you are reading this in an email to link to the VPNA website). If you love the artwork as much as us, you’ll be happy to hear VPNA will be accepting orders for posters based on these designs at the ribbon cutting party this Saturday from 2-5pm at Fairview Park. This artwork was created by the Neighborhood Allstars, a local design company whose partners live in our neighborhood. All proceeds from the poster sale will support VPNA. If you are not able to make the ribbon cutting but are interested in obtaining an order form please email us at: vpnaboise@gmail.com

Watch for Trademark Signs who will be installing these signs this week in Fairview Park and next to the greenbelt bridge to Garden City.

Click on the images below to see enlarged versions.

Call to Artists to Create Art for Whittier Elem School

The City of Boise, Capital City Development Corporation and the Veterans Park Neighborhood Association seek an artist or art team to create an artful boundary at Whittier Elementary, located at 301 N. 29th Street. The west side of the school’s playground is adjacent to the new Whitewater Park Boulevard, a busy five-lane boulevard. Road construction required the removal of many trees and shrubs from the west side of the playground, leaving the schoolyard exposed to a very busy street. Whittier is a Title 1 school with children who speak over 13 languages, many of them new immigrants.To reflect the changing demographics of our city, this public art installation is a celebration of community involvement and support for a school in the midst of a physical transition to a new, much more urban situation.

Submittal Deadline: Wednesday, October 9th, 2013, 3:00PM, local Boise time

To Apply for this Project: Register for free as a vendor at DemandStar by going to

Once registered, go to: http://www.cityofboise.org/purchasing/ and click on the Bids link
and download the project documents for RFQ 14-022, which gives artists instructions on how to apply.

To find out more about Boise’s public art program go to: www.BoiseArtsAndHistory.org
Questions? Tammi Leatham, Purchasing Specialist,

West End Trail and Development in Statesman

Three cheers for VPNA – hip, hip, hurrah! VPNA made the front page of the Statesman on Tuesday. The story highlights the Historic West End Trail which will take its final form in the next couple months. Stay tuned for more information about how you could help install trail markers.

Click this link for article:

Also the Statesman’s Business Insider ran a story about development in the area.

Click this link for article:

Roundabout Art Project to Showcase Proposals

The 30th Street Roundabout Art Project has rounded a corner. In June, Boise Weekly reported that an art installation was set to accompany the construction of a roundabout at Whitewater Park Boulevard. Now, the city of Boise is accepting public input on the proposals for the art that will adorn the roundabout.

Three sculptures are under consideration.

The artworks being considered will be on display at Jerry’s Market, located at 819 N. 27th Street, Monday-Wednesday, Sept. 16-18. The pieces will also be on display at Bee Wise Goods (3019 W. State Street.) Thursday-Saturday, Sept. 19-21, and at Idaho River Sports (3100 W. Pleasanton Ave.) Sunday-Tuesday, Sept. 22-24.

At those locations, the public is invited to view the proposals and fill out comment forms that will help the city determine which it will install at the roundabout.

See a photo on the Boise Weekly website

NHS needs help to conduct neighborhood survey

Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) will be conducting resident surveys in the 30th Street Corridor in Boise and we are looking for volunteers to help conduct the surveys. The survey dates are July 16, 2013 for training and July 20th for conducting the surveys. If there are enough volunteers (25 to 50) we should be able to get all the surveys completed on July 20th.

NeighborWorks America is asking all of it’s member affiliates (240+ organizations) to conduct surveys in their communities. It will be the largest community development impact measurement in the U.S. happening at the same time! There are two purposes to our conducting the survey; the data we get, as well as the relationships that are built.

 This is not a Gallup poll – it should enhance the relationships with the community; this is important. Like you and many others, we are invested in our communities like the 30th Street Corridor. We want to make sure it is a place that you, your family and friends feel good about. These surveys will help us understand the strengths and needs of this area so we can help make it more vital.

Please RSVP by July 1 if you’d like to help. Thank you!

For more information on how you can volunteer to help your Idaho community please contact:

Gina Lyon – Call 258-6216 or Email – glyon@nhsid.org

Roundabout Art – Artists and Community Members Needed

Work is progressing rapidly on Whitewater Blvd. Below is a picture of the roundabout which is located along the boulevard at Stewart St and the entrance to Esther Simplot Park. The city earmarked $30,000 to fund a public art project inside the roundabout. The request for proposals is now open to Idaho Artists. Additionally, community members are needed to help with the project in various ways.

Idaho Artists are invited to apply for an opportunity to design a public artwork for the new roundabout. The Veterans Park Neighborhood Association received a grant from the Mayor’s Neighborhood Reinvestment Grant Program for this project and will be involved in the art selection process.

VPNA Community Members: VPNA is searching for a local artist to be on the selection panel, a local business or non-profit representative who is involved in the 30th St. area, and for someone who has previous fundraising experience. If you know of anyone who might be interested in any of the listed capacities please send them our way. This is an excellent (and fun) volunteer opportunity, the panel will consist of representatives from the Boise City Arts and History department, Planning and Development, Parks and Recreation, and ACHD. Please contact VPNA for more information: vpnaboise@gmail.com

More details about the project are available here: http://www.boiseartsandhistory.org/opportunities/call-for-entries/whitewater-park-boulevard-roundabout/

30th Street Extension | Project Update from ACHD

Construction to begin in Early February

Recently, the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) Commission awarded the 30th Street Extension construction contract to Alta Construction of Boise. Construction will begin February 1st, 2013 and is anticipated to take nine months to complete.

While originally referred to as the 30th Street Extension, in October 2011, the City of Boise approved the new roadway name, Whitewater Park Boulevard. You may hear the project referred to by both names.

During construction, Whitewater Park Boulevard between Main Street and Fairview Avenue will be closed to through pedestrian and vehicle traffic but will remain open for local traffic. In addition, Whitewater Park Boulevard (including the existing 31st Street between Pleasanton Avenue and Stewart Avenue) will be closed from just north of the Reflections Apartments entrance to the west end of Rose Street.  Pedestrian access will be maintained near the entrance to Reflections Apartments to connect to Whittier Elementary School and will also remain available at Pleasanton Avenue to connect to the Greenbelt.  Vehicle access will be maintained at Pleasanton Avenue for access to Idaho River Sports, Quinn’s Pond and the Boise River Recreation Park.  This section of the future roadway is not a through roadway today.  Keeping it closed to through traffic will allow the construction to move more quickly and safely.  Please see the corresponding map which illustrates these anticipated roadway access impacts.

The project will:

  • Construct a four-lane roadway from State Street to Fairview Avenue – to include medians and turn lanes
  • Construct a two-lane roundabout at Whitewater Park Boulevard  & Stewart Avenue,  the future Esther Simplot Park entrance
  • Construct curb, gutter, sidewalk and bike lanes throughout the project area
  • Add pedestrian crossing signals at the following locations:
    • Entrance to Reflections Apartments to connect to Whittier Elementary School
    • Whitewater Park Boulevard & Pleasanton Avenue
    • Whitewater Park Boulevard & Jordan Street
  • Replace the City of Boise sewer main between Fairview Ave and 32nd Street – this work will also include removing and reconnecting sewer services
  • Add landscaping in select areas throughout the project (by the City of Boise)
  • Re-stripe 27th Street to include two travel lanes, a turn lane and bike lanes, eliminating one existing travel lane in each direction (this will be done under a separate project once the Extension is constructed)

How can you stay informed during construction?

Construction updates will be posted to the project page and will be e-mailed to project subscribers. To sign up to receive construction updates to your e-mail account, please visit the project web page and enter your information under the “Subscribe” section.

Regular on-site construction coordination meetings, led by the contractor, will be held during the project and will be open to the public to attend. Dates and location will be determined closer to the start of construction and will be posted to the project web page, http://www.achdidaho.org/Projects/PublicProject.aspx?ProjectID=87

Please feel free to share the enclosed information with your neighbors or those interested in this project.

If you have questions about this project, please e-mail projects@achdidaho.org or call 387-6100.

Thank you for your continued interest in the 30th Street Extension project.