VPNA Ice Cream Social August 5

Boise will observe National Night Out this Tuesday, August 5, and VPNA will celebrate with an ice cream social. Please join us to connect with neighbors while enjoying ice cream!

Date: Tuesday, August 5
Time: 7pm
Place: Davis Park Apartments common area

(The common area is located between 28th and 29th streets, and between Gooding and Jordan streets.)

Boise River Park Phase 2 Public Meeting

6pm Wednesday Feb 26
AGC Building, 1649 W Shoreline Dr

Park users, neighbors and the community are invited to attend a public meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 26, to learn more about plans to extend the Boise River Park, add in-river features and wildlife habitat, and make shoreline improvements.

The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at the Associated General Contractors Building, 1649 W. Shoreline Drive, with a presentation by the design team from McMillen, S2o Design, and DHM Design.

Learn More:


Whitewater Park Blvd Dedication – Thursday, Oct 24, 10am

Please join us at Idaho River Sports to celebrate the completion of Whitewater Park Boulevard. The new roadway connects State Street and Fairview Avenue and features a two-lane roundabout at Stewart Avenue, the entrance of the future Esther Simplot Park, three pedestrian crossing signals, sidewalks and bike lanes.

Boise Mayor David Bieter and ACHD Commission President Sara Baker will speak about the project and future plans for the Whitewater Park Boulevard area.

• Thursday, Oct. 24th at 10 a.m.

• Location: Idaho River Sports parking lot | 3100 W. Pleasanton Ave.

• Parking: Available in city lots behind Idaho River Sports

West End Trail – Ribbon Cutting Party – Oct 26, 2-5pm

VPNA invites you to the Historic West End Trail – Ribbon Cutting Party.

Time and Place: Saturday – Oct 26th from 2-5 pm at Fairview Park (23rd & Bannock)

Events include: “BYOP” Pumpkin Carving (Bring your own pumpkin & remember the knife & spoon too), Live Music by the Hokum Hi-Flyers, Square Dancing, Apple Bobbing, Prizes

Free trail guides to all who show up. Come show your West End spirit! Please help spread the word.

Saturday is last chance to install trail markers (click title to read full text)

This Saturday is the last chance to install West End Trail markers. We especially need extra help this week. Sadly 16 out of almost 100 markers laid last week were ripped up before the adhesive dried. Aaarrggghh!!!!

We’ve got enough extra markers to try again – may good triumph over evil! Come show your support!

Meet on Saturday Oct 5 at Fairview Park at 10am or 1pm. All ages are welcome. Please RSVP to vpnaboise@gmail.com so we know you’re coming.

Wear work clothes and bring a shovel as some markers are being placed on concrete pavers. Sod will need to be removed to get the paver level with the grass. Most markers just require applying the adhesive and pressing them down.

If you can’t make it, please keep an eye out while the adhesive dries. If you see suspicious activity, please call Boise Police or Jeff Anderson at 608-2385. The police are already aware of last week’s vandalism.

Finally a big thank you to last week’s volunteers! Toby, Remi, Ben, Jess, Caleb, Eden, Jonah, Darcy, Noah, Lucy, Kyle, Brian, Hadley, Bob, Elinor and Toni.

Candlelight Vigil Thur Night for Fallen Smokejumper

Will you help me light the night, this Thursday night? Meet at 7:30pm at the corner of Jefferson and 19th Street, at the Salvation Army Community Garden. Rebecca Scott will be singing for us, and if you can bring a candle in a mason jar, join us for a candle light vigil in memory of Mark Urban. All are welcome, and it will probably be brief but so powerful. If you’ve lost someone you love, come and hold the light. We will have extra candles and mason jars, and lighting devices. Thanks for your support
– Sherri Battazzo

Boise City Council Candidate forum, October 9, 2013

The League of Women Voters is sponsoring a candidate forum for Boise City Council candidates Wednesday, October 9, 2013 from 7 to 9 in the evening at the Boise Public Library Auditorium on Capitol Blvd.

Dr. Jim Weatherby will be moderator. The public is invited at no charge. Candidates will answer written questions from the audience.

Candidates are:

Seat 2: Ben Quintana, incumbent, and Tyler Smith

Seat 4: TJ Thomson, incumbent, Jill G. Humble, and Bill Jarocki

Seat 6: Maryanne Jordan, incumbent, Paul Edmond Fortin, and R. Bryce Petersen.

For further information contact Elinor Chehey, Voters Service Chair at 343-8018 or elinorchehey@gmail.com

Neighborhood to Market Ride

Kathleen Coskey will lead a safe, leisurely ride to Boise’s downtown farmer’s market. Meet on Oct 5 at Fairview Park (23rd & W Bannock). Bring you own bike and helmet. Kids are welcome!
Arrive by 10:00 am – don’t miss the brief but important instructions before the ride!
Free discount coupons and tote bag.
Event will be rain or shine. For more about this event: https://www.facebook.com/events/167031903487731/

Make a Oct 5th VPNA Day! Return to Fairview Park by 1pm to help install markers for the Historic West End Trail. Trail markers will also be installed this Saturday Sept 28. We still need lots of help. See previous post for details: http://www.vpnaboise.org/2013/09/help-needed-to-install-west-end-trail-markers/

Help Needed to Install West End Trail Markers

The West End Trail is about to become a reality. Come and be part of the fun! We are looking for volunteers to install trail markers on Saturday Sept 28 and Oct 5. There are morning and afternoon time slots each day. All ages are welcome. Meet in Fairview Park at 10am for morning slot or 1pm for afternoon slot.

To insure we have enough supplies please sign up before the event. email: vpnaboise@gmail.com or call Jeff at 608-2385

Trail markers are similar to the “Drains to River” markers on storm drains. Installation involves squirting adhesive on curb and pressing markers down. Installation on Oct 5 will include removing sod to install 6×6 inch pavers.