Donation Drive

VPNA ended the year co-hosting a donation drive with Boise Neighbors for Better Housing to collect warm coats and other winter gear (including warm blankets, gloves, hats, boots, etc.) to distribute to shelters and organizations supporting the underserved throughout town! The main drive was 12/29, with additional donations collected throughout the week. We collected multiple car loads of donated items, and have distributed large loads of pre-sorted donations to the new pop-up shelter in the Linen Building started by Boise Mutual Aid, Corpus Christie, Interfaith Sanctuary, Boise Rescue Mission’s River of Life and City Lights shelters, Astegos, and the Phoenix Building, and some donations continue to be collected and distributed. Thank you neighbors for your donations!


Screen shot 2015-05-11 at 12.14.38 AMWarm weather means event season is really heating up. I’ve added a bunch of events to the VPNA calendar. In our hood there are bike rides, food festivals, roadway open houses, mobile recreation times, VPNA board meetings, and the VPNA movie night! What did I miss? Please email us at let us know of other events in and around the VPNA and I will add them to the calendar.


Spring Fling

Tonight’s VPNA annual meeting was a hit! Thank you to our speakers: Jason LaBrado from Neighborhood Housing Services, Wendy Larimore from Boise Parks and Rec, and Jay Story from Boise West End. Thank you also to everyone who contributed their voice to the meeting. We are so excited for all the new board members!

Now on to Spring Fling, it’s just a couple days away!Spring fling

Spring Fling Block Party at
Davis Park Apartments
Thursday, April 23rd
929 N. 28th Street

NHS is partnering with the Boise Bicycle Project for a bike giveaway and rodeo for Davis Park Apartments’ residents. There will also be other activities and a potluck! All are welcome to attend.

More info:
If you bring a dish please bring a copy of the recipe in case anyone wants to make it on their own. We plan on having some other activities including face painting, yarn crafts, how many m&m’s are in this jar, bag toss, etc. One more thing we are also doing a house wares drive so if you have any old items (forks, spoons, bowls, plates etc.) that you are looking to rid yourself of during your spring cleaning please bring them for repurposing or simply pick up a new shampoo, soap, detergent to donate. All of these are optional of course as we only truly care about your presence.

Donations and annual meeting

Save the date: VPNA’s annual meeting will be Monday, April 20

Are you doing spring cleaning? Do you have items that you no longer need that you want to donate? Please consider giving them to residents of the Davis Park Apartments. Many families are also in need of bathroom supplies. New toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, shampoo, detergent, deodorant, loufa, floss, etc.

Donations can be brought to the VPNA annual meeting. Jason LaBrado from Neighborhood Housing Services (NHS) will be there to collect them, talk about upcoming events, and answer any questions. Items can also be brought to the NHS office (3380 W. Americana Terrace Suite 120, Boise). Large items (like furniture) should be brought directly to the Spring Fling event (April 23 at Davis Park Apartments, more details to follow).


30th Street Cultural Arts Plan wins award

From the city’s Screen shot 2015-02-13 at 1.32.15 PMBuilding Boise Newsletter: Idaho Smart Growth awarded their 2014 GrowSmart Award for Community Excellence to the Cultural Arts Plan for Boise’s 30th Street Neighborhood. The plan was funded through the City’s “Percent-forArt” program and created by artist Stephanie Inman along with City team members Karen Bubb (Arts & History) and Kathleen Lacey (PDS) and members of the Veteran’s Park Neighborhood Association. Two ongoing projects from the plan are Water Chutes and the Whittier Elementary Artful Boundary. Water Chutes, a sculpture by artist Dirk Anderson, will be installed in the Stewart Ave./Whitewater Park Blvd. roundabout. The Whittier Elementary Artful Boundary will be designed and installed in 2015 under the guidance of artists Marge and Dennis Proksa. The project will integrate design concepts produced by Whittier students and the community.