Statesman Article, CCDC, Henry’s Market

We wanted to alert you to the Idaho Statesman article “Boise to Retool 30th Street Neighborhood” 1/23/2011. In addition to plans that are well known, such as the 30th Street Extension road, the Whitewater Park and Esther Simplot Park; the article mentions talk of a community center and a baseball stadium as possible additions to the 30th Street plan.

The Statesman article goes on to mention the Capital City Development Corp, the the city’s urban renewal agency, “which has convened a steering committee to figure out how to make the 30th Street master plan a reality.”  CCDC’s website states that the steering committee “will be meeting over the course of the next six months to consider issues, alternatives and options.”

Mike Hall, of CCDC, visited the VPNA February Board Meeting on Monday (2/21/2011 – see minutes here). He emphasized that CCDC welcomes questions, concerns, etc… from residents. Mike can be reached at 208-384-4264 or Mike noted a number of ways that residents can be involved and help shape what our neighborhood will look like in the coming years. One way is to join one of the following CCDC sub-committees:

  • Physical Infrastructure
  • Public Safety
  • Social Services
  • Policy and Regulations
  • Plan Addendum

VPNA’s primary concern with the current plan is pedestrian safety. The board would like to see a separate pedestrian / bicycle crossing, such as an underpass, of the new thoroughfare as an alternative to the proposed traffic light and crosswalk. One critical reason for this is the fact that the greenbelt’s new pedestrian bridge will allow Whittier Elementary students to walk to school, however students also will need to cross the 30th St Extension.

In other news,  Henry’s Farmers Market (the organic grocery chain) has withdrawn its interest in the vacant property on the corner of Bannock and 15th Street.

30th Street Extension Open House

ACHD 30th Street Extension Open House
Thursday, January 27, 2011 | 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Lowell Elementary School Gym| 1507 N. 28th Street, Boise

Residents will have an opportunity to meet with ACHD and Boise City staff to view the project design progress, ask questions and provide input. For more information about the project or to subscribe for email updates from ACHD please visit this page.

Click here for open house flyer

Click here to read an email from Kathleen Lacy (Boise City Planner) about recent changes to the landscaping on the east side of the 30th Street Extension.

Help the City Re-name the 30th St Extension

Have you ever wanted to name a road? The City of Boise is giving you yourchance.

The city is looking for name suggestions for a stretch of road that’s being built as part of the 30th Street Area Master Plan. The roadway, currently known as the 30th Street Extension, is meant to help revitalize the western area of downtown Boise along the Boise River.

If you are a Boise resident and want to help re-name the 30th Street Extension, click here.

A new name for the roadway needs to be picked soon so that it can be included in the design plans, which are expected to be completed in early 2011.

The actual roadway will connect 30th Street near the Shilo Inn on Fairview Avenue to Rose Street near the Idaho Department of Transportation headquarters on State Street. Construction on the road is being planned for 2013.

To help pick the name, the Boise City Council is offering a survey to all Boise residents over the age of 18. You can either supply your own name, or pick one of the ones that have already been suggested, such as Whitewater Way or Rose Parkway.

The City Council will then use those survey results to pick the name of the street, which will have four lanes of traffic, two bike lanes, and sidewalks on each side.

From by Jordan Gray of Idaho’s NewsChannel 7