Join the board

We’re always looking for new energy on the VPNA board to continue making this neighborhood a great place to live. If you’d like to join our board, please contact us at no later than April 24 to express your interest, and please answer the following questions so we can provide a brief bio in our voting form:

  1. What is your connection to the Veterans Park Neighborhood (e.g., resident for X years, business owner, property owner living elsewhere)?
  2. Have you previously volunteered with VPNA or similar organizations?
  3. Tell us a bit about yourself!
  4. Do you have a position on the Interfaith Sanctuary proposal to relocate to 4306 W State Street?
  5. What are your thoughts on the State Street Urban Renewal District?
  6. Are you interested in running for a specific position? (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or at-large representative)
  7. Which sub-neighborhood are you associated with:
    1. Heron Hollow (between Willow Lane Park and State St),
    2. Quail Glen (Lander St Wastewater Treatment Plant to State St),
    3. Independence Park (Taft to State St, Sycamore to Tamarack/Plum), or
    4. Taft Manor (Taft to State St, Arthur to 36th)?

If you’re interested in serving in one of the open positions, please review the VPNA position descriptions for more information.

We will vote in person, and via an online form distributed on our social media and during the streaming meeting starting at 6:30 on April 28, 2021. The online vote is expected to be open from April 27 through April 29. Proof of address will be required to vote.

List of current board members

Board members work on a volunteer basis. The time commitment of being a board member is mostly up to the individual. At a minimum board members are expected to attend most monthly board meetings. Beyond that how much you are involved is left open to personal choice. Some possibilities of ways individuals may want to be involved include:

  • Representing VPNA on a CCDC sub-committee, connect to some portion of the 30th St plan implementation.
  • Getting a [blank] built in our neighborhood. Examples include community center, sports stadium, whitewater park, interpretive walking trail, playground, etc…
  • Helping with fundraising to pay for our website and community events.
  • Organizing neighborhood get-togethers.
  • Writing grants.
  • Starting a community garden.